Top 5 - Najkrajšie miesta na Slovensku | Top sights Slovakia

The Top Sights in Slovakia

The Top Sights in Slovakia

Which places in Slovakia are the most beautiful? Whenever a foreign friend comes to visit us, we want to show them as much as possible, but suddenly the small Slovakia is too big to show them everything. Although there is no universal ranking of places each tourist should see, we tried to make at least a basic list of locations and top sights in Slovakia you should definitely experience.

Bratislava and its surroundings

Bratislava panorama - Top 5 Slovensko

Is it a cliché to start with the capital city? Whatever the case may be – Bratislava cannot be a miss on the list of the most beautiful places of Slovakia. This is practical especially if your visit will land in Bratislava or Vienna. The castle hill is a good place to start the tour; from there you can go to the Old Town. You can use the Prešporáčik mini-train, which will show you all the important things in the center of the town. Slavín offers a beautiful view of the city, which you should definitely include in your tour. And if you like to get away from the masses, how about visiting Devín and telling your friends about its turbulent history?

Štrbské pleso and the Tatras

štrbské pleso

The Tatras are simply too big to see all of them. Visiting at least the Štrbské Pleso is a good compromise. A simple hike in its vicinity will take you several hours and all of it is in the middle of beautiful nature and in the fresh air. Should you manage to find the time, the Štrbské Pleso is a good starting point for different tours of the Tatras, for example to the Skok waterfall, to the Rysy or even the Kriváň.

Spiš castle and its surroundings

Spišský hrad a okolie

Spišský hrad or The Spiš Castle is natural cultural heritage and it is also one of the larges castle complexes in our territory. The ever-increasing number of visitors only underscores its popularity. Take your friend for a walk among the ruins and breathe the historic atmosphere. You should also definitely not miss a visit to the Town of Spišské Podhradie with the famous Spišská Kapitula. Levoča, part of the UNESCO World Heritage, is also very close by. Visit the Basilica of St. Jacob with the famous Altar of Master Paul.

Slovak Paradise

Slovenský Raj

We will stay in the Spiš region and visit one of the most beautiful natural sites of our country. The Slovak Paradise is one of the nine national parks and right so. Hornád, Suchá Belá, the Biely Potok Valley, and the photogenic sceneries of Thomas’ View – all of it awaits you here. Your visitor will surely remain stunned after his visit of the Dobšinská Ice Cave, the largest karst formation of its type in our territory.

Vihorlat peaks

Ruská Bystrá - drevené artikulárne kostoly na východnom Slovensku

Vihorlat is a representative of the eastern part of the country, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage since 2007. Some of the beech forests contain trees that are 250 years old. If you get here, definitely pay a visit to the Sninský Rock, Morské Oko, and you can enjoy a beautiful view from the Jasenský Castle. No visit of this region would be complete if the tourist would not see the hundreds of years old wooden churches, which are some of the most interesting monuments of Slovakia not only for the visitors.

We hope we have inspired you for a tour of top sights in Slovakia 😉

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