Hrad Červený kameň - Red Stone castle

Red Stone castle – Červený kameň

Red Stone castle – Červený kameň

If you plan to visit Slovakia you would probably fly or drive to Bratislava, the capital city. If the weather is nice you might take a short weekend trip to a Red Stone castle which is situated near Častá village. The castle is open for tourist all year long, during main season (may to september) the tours are 9 am – 5 pm and during low season (from october till april) visitors might enjoy the tours less often, therefore it is better to check the website or call. There are two main guided tours

  • Aristocratic residence (tour of more than 20 rooms with historical furniture, library, weapons etc.  – adult ticket 6€)
  • Renesaince fortress  (walls, fortress, watchtowers and cellars – adult ticket  5€)

Hrad Červený kameň

There are many events, weddings and tours taking place in the Red Stone castle. During our visit we enjoyed hawk show and the gardens were full of peacocks. If you get hungry during your stay, go to village of Častá and taste the local bakery, the bread and sweet pastry is awesome.

Hrad Červený kameň z kopca Kukla

History of the Red Stone castle

The castle was built in 13th century and the legend says it should stand on the opposite mountain called Kukla. Unfortunately the ghosts and the fairies moved it to the current place.  The old stone Gothic fortress was rebuilt by Fuger family, who were among the wealthiest families in Europe. Especially thanks to theirs trade and business purposes the castle gained huge storage room and massive walls. They built a renaissance castle with amazing artillery defence in the wide and low towers. These fortifications were later supplemented by housing capabilities during the reign of Palffys until the second world war.

Vstup na hrad Červený kameň
Vstupná brána na hrad

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