The capital city of Czech republic is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Europe. If you come to central Europe, Prague should definitely be on your „must-see“ list. You will be amazed by historical buildings, beautiful sights, great traditional Czech cousine, lots of attractions, busy streets and shops.
Prague (Praha) has more than 1,25 million inhabitants and several city parts and neighbourhoods (Staré Město, Malá Strana, Hradčany s Pražským hradom, Nové Město, Josefov a Vyšehrad) are recognized by UNESCO. Even though you can enjoy the city and cousine for weeks, most of the famous places can be visited within couple of hours.
Walking trip around Prague
There is plenty of things to see especially if the weather is nice. If you have one spare day, I would recommed this walking trip.

Prague city centre and the old town
We started our excursion from Václavské námestí (Wenceslas square), where you can easily get from the main train station or any other part of Prague by underground (stop – Muzeum). The long and wide plaza is lined with restaurants, shops and during December with special Christmas markets with hot wine „svařák“ and other specialities.
We did not head directly to Old Town square but rather walked by Na příkope to theatre Hybernia until we reached historical building of townhouse Obecní dúm. We reached one of the most famous plazas in Czech republic by Revoluční and Dlouhá streets. Old Town square is usuallly pictured with Astrological clock – Pražský orloj which is more than 6 centuries old.
You can enjoy Christmas atmosphere in Prague with huge Xmas tree, roasted chestnuts and home made chips and cookies. Lovely building such as St. Nicoulaus church Chrám sv. Mikuláše is only one of the spots you will see by segway, train, old-timer or horse carriage excursions.
It does not matter which trip you choose, you have to cross the Vltava river by Charles‘ Bridge – Karlův most. It is the second oldest bridge in Czech Republic and is crowded by artists, musicians and 30 statues
There is no other place where you can buy so much useless souvenirs. Shops full of magnets, hats and shirts are accompanied by museum of absinthe, dolls and ginger bread.
You can enjoy beautiful view and panoramic photos from Hradčanské námestí or from Petrínska rozhledna. There are copies of Buckingham poker face guards in front of the castle.
Medieval Prague
If you want to travel in time, you might take a short break in medieval restaurant of U Krále Brabantského. Crazy waitress and unique communication is not so funny in foreign languages, but you should not be insulted by „medieval manners“. Non alcoholic beer is called here goat’s pee, you can eat with hands and most of the menu is simple roasted meat or traditional Czech dishes.
Welness Praha-Čestlice
If you want to relax during your stay in Prague, make sure to visit the biggest Czech aquapark in Čestlice, which offers lot of water attractions, saunas, wellnes and spa with 4* hotel accomodation.