History of castle Beckov
Old stone construction was built on top of 70 metres high cliff around 13th century. The area was inhabited much sooner thanks to strategic position. Prosperity and impact of the Castle grew in the times of Matúš Čák of Trenčín and later in hands of Stibor family, one of the leading Ugrian clans. They heightened the fortification, built towers and Gothic palace. The stronghold played important role defending the population in era of Turkish and Tartar attacks. Castle started to deteriorate after huge fire in 1729 which destroyed or damaged most of the buildings.
If you do not want to stay in Bratislava, you might find cheaper accommodation near Trenčín in the north west part of Slovakia
Castle Beckov today
Beckov castle is step by step reconstructed and thanks to it’s position next to the D1 highway between Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Trenčín it was seen by millions of Slovaks. Even though I drove by several times I visited the castle ruin only couple of months ago. The stronghold is open for public from middle of April till half November and the adult ticket is only 3,3€ (cca 4 USD). You will enter the castle via drawbridge where you can enjoy from the watchtower an extraordinary view of the city and nearby church. After you pass by the Gothic gate you might take a look at old stables, amphitheatre with small podium with shows, reading room, interesting showcase of historical war weapons (catapult, cannon, crossbow…) and tools (grindstone, chariots…). Houses of peasants and servants were transformed into buffets and souvenir shops. While there is lot of things which need a reconstruction still, you will need some fantasy to imagine how the knights saloon, palace or chapel could look like.