Slovakia - Bratislava sights

Bratislava sights – top things to see in Bratislava

Bratislava sights – top things to see in Bratislava

If you plan to visit Slovakia and want to see some Bratislava sights there are many things and places worth visiting especially if you also taste local food etc. Let’s have a look what offers the capital city of Slovakia. Bratislava’s old town has a great atmosphere with historical buildings and lots of cafes and restaurants everywhere.


The historical centre

No matter which part of the city you stay, if you have at least 3-4 hours to spare, you might easily make a walk in the historical city to see these sights in Bratislava.

The Gothic St.Martin’s Cathedral

St martins cathedral | Bratislava sights

One of the oldest and most important cathedrals in Slovakia known for coronation of Hungarian kings.


Bratislava Castle

Bratislava castle

Bratislava castle above Danube


The castle proudly sits on a hill above the Danube river and overlooks the Old Town Bratislava. White building with four towers is visible from long distance and used to protect the area and the Hungarian crown jewels for centuries. Visit Bratislava Castle for nice panorama view of the city and enjoy the guided tours to castle museum.


St.Michael’s Gate

Michaels gate Bratislava
Bratislava sights - Michaels gate in historical townMedieval watchtower is the only city gate (out of four) still standing. Built in 14th century to protect the city it is one of the oldest structures in Bratislava. St. Michael’s Gate houses today a museum of weapons and fortifications.


Old Town Hall

Old Town Hall Bratislava

main square bratislava - old town hall

Romantic building with the clock tower, courtyard and nice plaza. The main square is crowded especially during Xmas markets. It is the oldest town hall in Slovakia with a tower from 14th century, today it is used as Bratislava City Museum.


Primate’s Palace

Bratislava - Primate's palace

The Primate’s Palace is famous for the signature of the Treaty of Pressburg between France and Austria. In 20th century it served as a town hall of Bratislava, today it is open for public and there are concerts held in the Hall of Mirrors.


Presidential Palace’s

Presidential palace (Grasalkovich palace) | Bratislava sightseeing

After reconstruction in the 90s the palace became the residence of the president of Slovak republic. Behind the palace you might enjoy walk or picnic in public gardens.


The Opera House and Philharmonic building

Slovak National Theatre - Opera House Bratislava

The Opera House and The „old“ Slovak National Theater is together with Ganymede Fountain one of the top sights in the old town, Hviezdoslav Square. Although there is new and modern Slovak National Theater the historic building still hosts evening performances and famous invitation-only Opera ball.


The Blue Church

Kostol sv. Alžbety - Modrý kostolík The Blue Church BratislavaAmong many other beautiful sacred buildings and churches in Bratislava, the small blue Church of Elisabeth is a real gem of architecture.


Other Bratislava sights

If you stay in Bratislava for at least 1 day with nice weather, I would also recommend to see some other places outside of the historical centre.

Slavín memorial

Slavin memorial Bratislava

Slavín is a monument and military memorial. Thousands of Soviet soldiers died during WW2 while liberating the city from the German army. The hill offers nice view of the city.Hill with WW2 memorial


Street sculptures



The wathing statue - Cumil Bratislava

The man at work (Peeper – Čumil) is the most popular one, although there is also Schoene Naci (kind Ignac) and Napoleon soldier near french embassy rests on a bench.


Devin Castle

Devin Castle - Bratislava

If you have more time book a boat trip to ruins of the medieval Devin Castle on a hill above the confluence of Danube and Morava rivers


Slovak Radio Building

Slovak Radio Building - Pyramid in Bratislava

There is one huge pyramid in Slovakia but it is turned upside down. Architects Svetko, Ďurkovič and Kissling projected this strange 80 metres high building which was built in 1983 and radio broadcasting began in 1985.


Modern architecture


Bratislava hotel gallery
Apollo Bridge Bratislava, Slovakia

If inverted pyramid is not enough, on the hill above main train station you can find a pretty bizarre building of Gallery hotel. Most of the tourist enjoy the promenade on the Danube river in Shopping park Eurovea with lots of pubs, cafes and nice view of Apollo bridge.


Want to enjoy special activities in Bratislava?

The times when you did not fully enjoy all the attractions of the city you visited are over. Activities, events and attractions in Bratislava are like on the palm of your hand! You make the choice and Bratislavaman takes care of the rest. He arranges the transport, photos,  souvenirs and a guide for you, so that you delight in the unforgettable attractions like jumping from the LaFranconi bridge falling 25 meters long free fall, Totally Crazy Jump, or make your brain really busy finding the way out from a locked room, Escape room. Don’t worry if you can’t choose from his offer, just visit our website for free tips and advices from locals! Let Bratislavaman to turn your trip to Bratislava into an unforgettable experience!


If you plan to spend more nights in the heart of Europe, have a look at Vienna, Prague or Budapest. There is a lovely boat trip to Vienna available from Bratislava 😉


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