bratislava top 5 atrakcie | Top attractions in Bratislava

Top 5 Attractions in Bratislava You Have to See

Top 5 Attractions in Bratislava You Have to See

Bratislava is our capital city, but there are still Slovaks, who have never been there. It cannot compare itself with metropolises such as Prague or Budapest in terms of its size and number of monuments; nevertheless it has its charm. Lovers of history, culture and social life will come into their own here. And believe us, one day probably won’t be enough to explore the whole town. If you plan on visiting Bratislava and you’re short on time, try to visit at least some of these places.

Bratislava Castle

Slovakia - Bratislava sights

Where else to begin than with one of the architectural symbols of Slovakia. Remains of settlements from Roman times have been found on the castle hill, especially due to its advantageous strategic position. In its interior, the Bratislava castle contains a museum with many exhibits – paintings, sculptures, but also various furniture, clocks, weapons and armor. A must for history enthusiasts. The castle tower is a popular tourist site, since it offers a panoramic view of the city.

Bratislava Old Town

Michaels gate Bratislava - staré mesto

The historic center of the capital city is a national monument reservation. It is probably the most visited part of Bratislava. You can find here many historic buildings, restaurants, bars, galleries, embassies and state institutions. A walk through the streets of the Old Town serves as an example of period architecture and also presents a chance to live socially.

Devín Castle

Hrad Devín

The ruins of the Devín castle rise above the confluence of the Morava and the Danube. It is one of the oldest in Slovakia. The Celts settled this area in the past and the castle was a major center of the Great Moravian Empire. In 1809 it was blown up by the armies of Napoleon, which turned it into its present form. In addition to a beautiful view you can also see historical exhibits.


Slavin memorial Bratislava

A memorial and a military cemetery. Thousands of soviet soldiers, who fell during the liberation of Slovakia during the Second World War, are buried here. In addition to the pietà, the complex also offers a beautiful panoramic view of the town below. In 2005 the Russian president Vladimir Putin visited the memorial during a summit with George Bush.

St. Martin’s Cathedral

St martins cathedral | Bratislava sights

This largest cathedral in Bratislava is a major Gothic monument. The whole interior is a large showcase of the history of Bratislava as well as Slovakia.

Sculpturesm altars, bells, windows and other decorations are displaying ups and downs of the city and society since 16th century.

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